Pool Aid

Swimming pool

Should You Leave Your Pool Open During Winter?

Summertime and swimming pools go hand in hand. When summer is over, the pool closes and the fun winds down, but does it have to? Have you ever thought of opening up a whole other world of all-season swimming? Could you, should you, leave your pool open even through the winter? Here’s a few pros and cons to see if this option would work for you.


– You will save a substantial amount of money on pool closing and opening costs. Whether you hire a professional or do it yourself, there is a bit of money that goes into closing and opening your pool each year… winter pool chemicals, pool covers and accessories, pool opening chemicals, supplies, etc.

– Your backyard pool looks beautiful year round. No pool covers to block that beautiful blue water. Your backyard will be a lovely view in every season.

– Your pool will actually stay cleaner as cooler weather hinders algae growth, hence less money spent on cleaning chemicals through the winter months. Winter trees are bare so you will also spend less time cleaning debris from your pool. The constant sunlight on your pool assists in keeping it clean.

– Swim anytime you want! If you install a heat pump or gas heater you can enjoy swimming in a nice warm pool even on cool days and nights.


– Safety. If you have pets and/or young children, you will need to keep your pool safety vigilance year round. Without a pool cover, it will be easy for pets and children to accidentally fall in the pool. This can be especially dangerous in cold winter temperatures.

– Energy costs. Your pool pump will be running all year resulting in higher electricity costs.

– Loss of electricity. In the event of a winter storm, power outages can cause freezing in the filter and plumbing systems, resulting in damage.

Year round swimming is great for some but not for others. We hope considering these pros and cons will help you decide if you should keep your pool open during winter.


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